Sunday, March 22, 2009

Babes and Bibles...


I'm not much of a religious person but the Bible is just such a crazy book. The stories, people, places, and things are all written so perfectly that none of it has been proven to be truth or fiction in thousands of years. I hope someone writes a book like that about me; did you know I can dunk a basketball?

If I had to classify myself, I guess I'd say I'm a hopeful Agnostic but classifications aside I definitely think you shouldn't be a selfish asshole in life. If a book can help some people become not as big of A-holes and maybe even develop a conscience, I'm all for it. And I know what some of you are thinking "Hey Dan, aren't you an asshole?" The answer is no, I'm a little bit of a jerk, but it's mainly just the fact that I'm funny and will do most things to make myself laugh, that's different from being a human turdcutter. But anyways, the fact that millions of dollars go towards building churches and hundreds of thousands of lives have been dedicated to religion made me think of some stuff or something...

Scenario to ponder : Let's say you are a 90 year old priest and had dedicated over 3/4ths of your life to religion and teaching the works of God. You passed up nights of passion with tons of mega hottie babeorama's, tons of em (I'm talking like tons because there are so many, not because they weigh a lot). And then on your 90th birthday some scientific evidence comes to light and proves that God/Jesus/The Bible is all made up, a farce. Would you be pissed off and feel you wasted your time or would you be content that you led a good life and taught unselfish ideals?

Oh yea, and i like to look at girls when they're naked....come on, I can't be serious for too long.


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