Obviously, I chose Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I mean, he never said what he was cooking, but I think it was a pretty damn good career...or some kind of delicious beat-down casserole.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was such a good professional wrestler, he decided to leave the sports arena and take a shot at the world of acting and has since conquered that world. To progress from super-athlete to mega-actor, it doesn't get any better than that.
This guy was so great as "the Scorpion King" in "The Mummy" that he got his own Hollywood movie spin-off....unheard of! If Jesus could cast the movie "Tooth-Fairy", he would have picked "The Rock" to play the tooth-fairy...maybe Jesus did cast "Tooth-Fairy"? Did he? And "The Rock" isn't even an actor! He's a professional wrestler! How did he find out he could act so well when he was busy kicking ass?!?! He's a one in a million type of talent. A diamond in the rough. Well, a rock in the rough (get it? pun intended!).
Even with all of those accomplishments, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson can't hide the fact that he's a total douche. Ooooooh, someone just laid the smack-down! Did you smell what I cooked there, "Rock"? You suck, douche.
And I had to check wikipedia to make sure you weren't in "Chronicles of Riddick" and "Fast and the Furious" cause you look a lot like that douche, Vin Diesel, too.
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