Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Interview with Will Ferrell

DA: Hey Will, thanks for joining me for my first interview. I'm really excited, I hope I dont climax until the very end.

WF: Oh, thanks for having me. You guys do great things with merely a camera and eachother's (obviously) super human minds.

DA: Gloop glorb (thank you). So Will, let's get right down to it. Why are you such a douchebag?

WF: Excuse me?

DA: Ever since Old School, you've played some of the shittiest comedy roles I've ever seen : Ron Burgundy - Anchorman (wasn't all bad, people quoting this made it worse), retarded rollerblader or something - Blades of Glory, retarded race car driver - Talladega Nights, a retarded basketball coach - Semi-Pro, and one of the retarded step brothers - Step Brothers. They are basically all the same character with different jobs. Did you notice that when you accepted the money for these roles?

WF: Hey, I never noticed that, but it's kind of true if you think about it. You are smart! Do you think I'm retarded?

DA: You are....you must be....is it still a question? it's still a question?

DA: Moving on. 2 Part question: What made you decide John C Reilly should be in comedy and did he enjoy the flavour of your penis?

WF: Hey man! before Talladega Nights he played Buck Bretherton in "Days of Thunder," hell! he was Tucker Van Dyke in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?." Case in point.

DA: Yea...no, not much for a convincing case. Did you ever see that movie with the cat and dog and they float down the river in a box?

WF: Umm...yea, but what does that have to do with my interview?

DA: Ohh, I'm done. I figured you'd have realized that I pretty much hate you by know and would have jumped off a cliff onto a pile of rusty hacksaws and famous cartoon villains!

WF: Ok, welp, I should probably go get braces anyways. See ya.

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